Thursday's free all-ages show at UW's Ethnic Cultural Theatre will feature Toni Hill (Only Love, 2009) and DJ B-girl (Knox Family, 2009), both legendary NW artists in their own right. Friday's all-ages benefit show at Hidmo will feature ...
From My Feathered Nest: WooHOOO! I'm a Willie-B's Girl! :D
Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker a.k.a. Willie-B's! And guess what?!! I found out yesterday that I am a Willie-B's DT girl! Here is the announcement on her blog. YES!!! I'm soooo excited about this! Nikki has assembled a FANTASTIC team and I ...
Time To Be A B-Girl and Break « A Growing Woman's Tales ~ A ...
01/31/2009 09:00 PM - Atlanta's Own B-Girl Fest--Relapse Theater 380 14th Street N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 US Description:All Female MCs & B-Girls with a Male Fashion Show. Forums: 3pm-5pm Workshops: 5pm-7pm Fashion Show: 7pm-8pm ...
The meanest B-girl ever to hit the silver screen
I don't know why everyone thinks Angelina Jolie is so tough. I mean, no offence to her legions of misguided fans, but if you take a close look at Jolie, she's really just an overprivileged Hollywood face who plays overprivileged women ...
ohnotheydidnt: TFS
Okay, I LIVE in Indiana, and I graduated from THE SAME SCHOOL as Angel, and there are no b-girls here! If anyone in Indiana thinks they know something about hip-hop, they are DELUDED. Hardcore hip-hop culture does not exist here, okay? ...
B-girl on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
B-girl. ... B-girl. B-girl by 2! Magazine. To take full advantage of Flickr, you should use a JavaScript-enabled browser and install the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player. ...
The Fashion Show: My Clique Is Better Than Yours | Reality TV Magazine
The worst designs were Johnny's jock and Angel's B-girl. This is the second week in a row for Angel. Kelly tells her that someone said “this designer knows nothing about hip-hop style.” She also added that she was insulted by her lack ...
238BEATS: Boogie Down B-Boy/B-Girl Jams feat. DJ Lean Rock, DJ DP ...
Boogie Down B-Boy/B-Girl Jams: Bronx A Brand New Park Jam Series Featuring DJs who Dance, Dancers who DJ and simply the best B-Boy/B-Girl! JUNE 4: DJ JAZZY JAY (Soulsonic Force, UZN, Strong City) DJ DP ONE (Turntable Anihilists) ...
In the Bronx Where the B-Girls Are Fresh - djali rancher
It blew me away for many reasons, but mainly because that's where I first laid eyes on b-girl Baby Love. She was the only female battling with the Rock Steady Crew in the legendary Roxy battle scene. Baby Love was, back then, ...
Answers B-Girls
are only women susceptible to jerks?I've known this girl for over 2 years now, we started off as great friends but now shes given me signs like... - she calls my cell phone out of the blue - she really wants to know what im doing - she'll talk to me on the phone for hrs even if shes tired - shes asked me to go out with her for dinner/movie - she even said shes head over heels for me - gave me her facebook & msn password - got me involved with her family and friends she doesn't give me those signs anymore... The main reason why I never bothered to meet her more often then I should is because if a girl is still talking about her ex b/f, its not right to date that girl. Mind you, I was the kind of guy where if i was hurt or had the flu, I would still be there for her. Hell, I even was about to send her flowers to her work with her fav chocolates. Shes with a jerky ex b/f in 1 of those on and off again relationships, shes lied about her ex b/f raping her. So she told me last month, stop contacting me, because im going to call the cops. Mind you, this was out of the blue. She works a few steps from my work and I haven't bothered to see her, I know where she lives but yet I haven't gone to her house, I know her cell phone number, yet I haven't called her in awhile, so why would she make a threat like that. I'm furious at the fact that because of another guys actions, shes taking them out on me. I understand shes going through a lot, but in your opinion should I try 1 more time to be a friend or just move on
question for ladies...?
hi! im 18, my ex is 20 we were together a year, broke up because he couldnt trust me, because i pecked someone on the lips. anyway, weve been broken up 2 months. been seeing eachother the last 3 weeks, and talked about getting back together. he says he loves me but hes scared of being hurt. and thinks hes happier without me. he sent me this today: "i was awake all night thinking about everything, i dont want a girlfriend at the moment, even though i do care its so much less stressful and easier, im sorry" i text back: "im not mad at you,bt it does bother me that youve wasted my time the past 2 weeks, you do realise this is goin to be it between us i cant wait for you anymore" then he replied saying: "well i cant b angry n upset anymore, you've been back in my life for two weeks n weve fought everyday and ive bn **** at work because of it" then i replied saying: "so because your'e angry your'e willing to let me go, the girl you supposidly love? ive told you time and time agen things would change, and im not going to say it again. its your choice" he hasnt replied, but i am seeing him tonight to talk about things.. what do you think about it? to me it seems like he took me on a bit of a fun ride, considering we were sleeping together still. does it seem like his mind is made up and like i cant change it now?
what should i think about the situation with my ex?
I have to paint one for art (i'm in 8th grade) and was wondering what i should use to do it (paint, pencils, pastels) and what pic i should do it from. The original- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/94/Sharbat_Gula.png the one used on cover of national geographic- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/ba/Sharbat_Gula_on_National_Geographic_cover.jpg They look different lol Thanks And any tips would be great
I need to paint a picture of the afghan girl?
My son plays baseball for the very first time, when he doesn't get a hit, he gets so sad and the rest of the night is almost a loss. I try and tell him he did great for never playing before. Well tonight they played again and they lost 7-8, not bad and he actually was able to come all the way home, so that was a point for the team. he didn't get a home run but came home. I am so proud of him and he said tonight that he felt great about the whole thing. I told him that , that is what is important. Anyone most of the time he has his head down and it is hard to get him out of it. He goes to his dads, which he HATES to do and his dad will tell him he is fat or because his hair is long he looks like a girl or he will tell him he smells like B.O, this hurts so much and I try so hard to help him and boost him up. He knows I try, but I want him to be able to get out of the sadness as soon as he can. I am in the middle of getting the courts to agree for My son to be able to make his choice if he wants to see his father and when. He is 13 and they usually say that is the age to do it. So anyhow, does anyone have any advice for me or my son to make things a little bit better and less stressful for him. He is SO IMPORTANT to me and any advice or stories you may have will be GREATLY appreciated. ThanksThe baseball was my sons idea and enything else he wants to try will be ok with me. He is seeing a therapist for his issues with his father, it is just real hard for me to see him down, but I have to stay strong so both of us can work together and when you all give us your ides or stories, we are hoping to learn from them and get more ideas as well. So Again, THANKSHis father has him for vacation, so he is in charge of bringing him to his games. Well on Tues at his game I saw Michael trying real hard not to cry in front of hi mates, so I ran over and he said he was crying because his father said he better not catch him talking to me or saying hi, this is his time not hers, he said. I let Michael talk to his father whenever Michael wants to, he doesnt even need to ask. I love my son so very much and I am trying so hard to stay strong for him, he knows this, he tells me it will be over soon as the courts come through with the papers.The court papers have already been sent, I am just waiting for the return so I can serve him. I read your advie and you are making me cry (smile). This is great and my son and I appreciate all the advice you can give. You never know when someone else can come up with a great solution or idea. Please keep them coming, as I cam going to read them to him Tomorrow night when he gets home.
My sons self esteem. How can I boost it? Can you help us?
I've been dating a girl for about a few months now, and she has told me from the beginning that she is a "bisexual." She's currently in a relationship with a girl, who she lives with, and has been with her for just over 8 months. Her g/f does not know about us and would be very upset if she found out. I have to admit that I have a hard time grasping the concept of "bisexual" and am not sure how one can want to be with either gender...maybe because I’m only looking at it through my own "straight" eyes, and/or b/c I'm "narrow-minded" Who knows, but regardless, I still wonder this. To me it seems like one would lean more one way than the other... but I'm trying to understand her and be more open-minded. We have had two very different childhood experiences, which I'm sure had a huge impact on who we are today and the views we have. My parents are still married, have always been there for me, and have been very loving & caring. Her household was very different (broken some might call it). Parents are divorced, and she lived with her mom who had lesbian relationships and a drug problem. I'm not sure what her father was like, but I know he's not around now. Keep in mind, I don’t think that every lesbian or bi girl is from a broken household or had a bad relationship with their father, but I do think childhood experiences can have a big influence. There are times I think she might be just using me for security, money, transportation, maybe even to get pregnant. The reasons I think this are: b/c of her drug problem she's always trying to find a way to get a fix, b/c the other guys I see chasing her that she obviously has no interest in and blatantly uses for money/drugs/tips (she's a waitress at a bar), b/c to me it doesn't seem like she has plans to leave her g/f (although she's told me otherwise), and b/c sometimes she can act closed off (could be b/c of her drug problem or sexuality or something else...not sure). The reasons why I think she might be into me and just going through a "phase" (or a true bisexual who has real feelings for both guys and girls) are: b/c she's told me that she trusts guys more than girls, b/c of how she's described her lesbian relationships as being extremely dramatic and fighting all the time (which I can understand seeing how emotional girls can be), b/c of all the things that we have in common such as sense of humor, books, music, movies, tv shows, personality, ect., b/c of the chemistry (including sexual chemistry) that I think we have, b/c she was engaged (to a guy) before but it didn't work out, b/c of her interest in meeting my family, b/c she brought to her mom's house to meet her 4 yr old kid (oh yeah forgot to mention that too), and b/c I have made it a point to not give her money and rides but she still wants hang out. I guess I’m looking for advice from straight guys who’ve dated bi girls, bi girls, or lesbian girls. I have absolutely no experience with this type of relationship.
straight guy dating a bi girl who needs advice?
In a building with 21 floors, girl A and B have come from a small food social gathering in a club room from the 21st floor. Girl A is very energetic and playful from the event. The two get on the elevator. Girl A begins to push multiple floor buttons while giggling, Girl B presses the correct floor they will get off to go back to their room. This causes all the floors that were picked to reset, it stops on one floor while Girl B presses the correct floor number again. As the door opens, Girl A presses the close door button. It goes down some floors and stops again. Girl A thought the elevator stopped on one of the floors she had pushed, attempting to close the door again. Girl C is standing outside the doors as it begins to close, yelling for them to open again. Girl B quickly presses the open door button. Girl C walks in, scolding the two for trying to close the elevator on her. She specifically says she does it herself and then says that the two shouldnt' do that because it is rude and wrong. Girl A tries to explain she did not see Girl C. As the two exit to their floor, Girl B tells Girl C to take care to calm the situation. Girl C tells the two to fuck off, Girl A tries to explain again that she didn't see Girl C. It goes unresolved as the elevator closes. Girl A reasons with Girl B that Girl C had said she does that too so she should not have reacted the way she did and telling the two off. All three girls are of similar age. So..I want to see reactions from each person's side as well as what you would have done/said *realisticly*
Interpret this situation (plus your own reactions)?
i have two guys A- guy A is a previous boyfriend who was great until the last week but we werent talking until today B- guy b is the current guy i am talking to and is good friends with A K so guy be is shorter than me and younger but im giving it a shot. Today he informs me that he is hanging out with his x who btw he still loves and they watch a movie together for 3 hours and it takes him forever to text me back but when i was hanging out with him he texted the x quite frequently...so guy A calls me thinking i didnt know about guy B and his girl being together all night saying how whack it was(btw i havent talked to A for a month or two exceopt today i broke the silence and told him good soccer game) So what do i do....can i trust guy B or should i get rid of him until he finally gets things done with his bff (his X) cause i know during the whole movie that he wasnt sitting on the opposite sdes of the couch...and what do i do about guy A he obviously cared enough to call me?
i have a situation... what should i do...i need input?
hi! im 18, my ex is 20 we were together a year, broke up because he couldnt trust me, because i pecked someone on the lips. anyway, weve been broken up 2 months. been seeing eachother the last 3 weeks, and talked about getting back together. he says he loves me but hes scared of being hurt. and thinks hes happier without me. he sent me this today: "i was awake all night thinking about everything, i dont want a girlfriend at the moment, even though i do care its so much less stressful and easier, im sorry" i text back: "im not mad at you,bt it does bother me that youve wasted my time the past 2 weeks, you do realise this is goin to be it between us i cant wait for you anymore" then he replied saying: "well i cant b angry n upset anymore, you've been back in my life for two weeks n weve fought everyday and ive bn shit at work because of it" then i replied saying: "so because your'e angry your'e willing to let me go, the girl you supposidly love? ive told you time and time agen things would change, and im not going to say it again. its your choice" he hasnt replied, but i am seeing him tonight to talk about things.. what do you think about it? is that just it between us then?
whats going to happen with me and my ex?
I've known this girl for over 2 years now, shes given me signs like... - she calls my cell phone out of the blue - she really wants to know what im doing - she'll talk to me on the phone for hrs even if shes tired - shes asked me to go out with her for dinner/movie - she even said shes head over heels for me - gave me her facebook & msn password - got me involved with her family and friends she doesn't give me those signs anymore... The main reason why I never bothered to meet her more often then I should is because if a girl is still talking about her ex b/f, its not right to date that girl. Mind you, I was the kind of guy where I had stitches in my mouth and couldn't talk properly but still talked to her, or if i was sick as a dog trying to get rest, i would still be there for her. Hell I even was about to send her flowers to her work with her fav chocolates. Heres the kicker, shes with a jerky ex b/f in 1 of those on and off again relationships, shes lied about her ex b/f raping her. So she told me last month, stop contacting me, because im going to call the cops. Mind you, this was out of the blue. She works a few steps from my work and I haven't bothered to see her, I know where she lives but yet I haven't gone to her house, I know her cell phone number, yet I haven't called her in 3 months, so why would she make a threat like that. I understand shes going through a lot, but in your opinion should I try 1 more time to be a friend or just move on
girls only - i need advice?
Ok, don't laugh. (I'm being 100% serious here, but i'm just on a little buzz/ high because this is my 3rd question of the night; and i love asking questions here on Yahoo! Answers. Forgive me) So i hate the size of my breasts. They make me feel fat. I'm like a C or something but i would love to be a B or maybe even an A. Is there anything, ANYTHING i can do to reduce the size? I hear losing body weight as a whole has an influence on weight lost in the bust area. Also, are there any exercises i can do? Ok, one more thing. They're kind of set low, low.... T__T Are there any exercises i can do to perk them up? I know this is gross, but HELP ME!!!!! D: I guess that's it. Any input is appreciated . yep :D Thanks in advance, Girl Who Is Insecure About Her Body.
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