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Lakers vs magic game 4 score

lakers vs magic game 4 score

Lakers vs Magic Game 4 score | Wally Champ
Lakers vs Magic Game 4 score. ... Lakers vs Magic Game 4 score. June 12th, 2009 Chris Wallace. 99-91 in OT. Bookmark and Share. This entry was posted on Friday, June 12th, 2009 and is filed under Sports. You can follow any responses to ...

Who Won 2009 NBA Finals Game 4 - LA Lakers vs Orlando Magic ...
Who Won the 2009 NBA Finals Game 4 Results - LA Lakers vs Orlando Magic? 2009 NBA Finals Lakers vs Magic Game 4 Final Score. What an exciting game! I thought the Orlando Magics will finish the game in 4th Quarter. ...

NBA Finals Game 4 | Watch Lakers vs Magic Game 4 Live stream ...
Again, You can Watch Lakers vs Magic Game 4 Live stream Online Free on NgePress TV, remember on other match just visit NgePress TV. We will keep update for the video highlights and update score game 4 NBA finals 2009 HERE. ...

Watch NBA Finals 2009 Game 4 Orlando Magic vs Los Angeles Lakers ...
With their season 48 minutes from all but disappearing, the Magic, hosting their first finals game since 1995, had five players score at least 18 points. Rafer Alston, who was just 3 of 17 from the field n the first two games, ... Will Magic win again in Lakers vs Magic game 4? Watch NBA Finals 2009 - Magic vs Lakers Game 4 to find out. The NBA Finals 2009 live online streaming will be available here. So bookmark this page to watch Magic vs Lakers game 4 live stream free. ...

NBA Finals 2009 Game 4 Lakers vs Magic | Just Blogging It
Game 4 Lakers vs Magic will be tonight Sunday June 11, 2009 shown live on ABC TV 0:00 PM ET from Amway Arena, Orlando. The Magic is in the series after wining Game 3 with a score of 108-104 and trails the series, 1-2. ...

Orlando Magic Blog: NBA Finals Game 4: Lakers 99 Magic 91 OT
At 4:05 AM, Anonymous Eric the Anti-Lakers said… This is the second game Lakers didn't win, but Magic just gave it as a gift to LA. Unbelievable; Howard missing 2 FTs and giving Fisher all the space to score a 3. ... 29 vs Indiana December 01 @Boston 03 vs Minnesota 05 vs Oklahoma City 08 @LA Clippers 09 @Portland 12 @Phoenix 13 @Utah 15 @Golden State 18 vs San Antonio 20 vs LA Lakers 22 vs Golden State 25 vs New Orleans 27 @Minnesota 29 @Detroit 31 @Chicago January ...

Lakers vs. Magic NBA Finals Game 4 Betting Odds В« Southern Gaming
( As reported on Lakers vs. Magic NBA Finals Game 4 betting odds have come in dramatically different from what we saw Tuesday night. ... ... With their season 48 minutes from all but disappearing, the Magic, hosting their first Finals game since 1995, had five players score at least 18 points. Rafer Alston, who was just 3 of 17 from the field in the first two games, had 20 and Hedo Turkoglu and Mickael Pietrus 18 each. ...

Watch 2009 NBA Finals Game 4: LA Lakers vs. Orlando Magic | Online ...
As the crowd roar in excitement on the fourth quarter of the 3rd game, you see how the Magic maintain their lead (with a small lead at score ranges to 2 to 4 advantage against Lakers) on the last couple of minutes of the game. ...

NBA Finals 2009 Game 4 Live / Watch Lakers vs Magic Game 4 Live ...
Magic won with a score of 108 against Lakers (104) in game 2. Will Magic win again in Lakers vs Magic game 4? Watch NBA Finals 2009 - Magic vs Lakers Game 4 to find out. The NBA Finals 2009 live online streaming will be available here. ...

Who would win in a 7 game series, The 1996 Bulls v.s. The 1987 Lakers?
As no one got my original question, the almost assuredly the only double header ever to be played in NBA history was on April 13, 1983 in San Antonio when the San Antonio Spurs defeated the Los Angeles Lakers twice on the evening of April 13, 1983.The 1982-1983 L.A. Lakers Showtime Lakers were no dogs going to the 1983 NBA Finals which made this double header sweep in the same evening by the Spurs over the Lakers even the more remarkable by the Pat Riley coached the Lakers had such players as Kareem Abdul-Jabaar, Magic Johnson, Jamaal Wilkes, Norm Nixon, James Worthy, Bob McAdoo, Michael Cooper, Kurt Rambis, Dwight Jones, Mark Landsberger, Eddie Jordan, Steve Mix, etc... as the Lakers were led by 4 future NBA Hall of Famers in Jabaar, Magic, Worthy, and McAdoo who were playing the 1982-83 Spurs as the Spurs mascot, The Coyote, made his debut the same night. The Spurs won the first game 117-114 and the second game 114-109 in that one time only NBA double header on April 13, 1983.Why r u my best asnwer? You can edit your answers you know.Only if you were there for the triple overtime Spurs thrilling victory over the Milwaukee Bucks which I believe to this day remains the second highest scoring game in Spurs history.

And, only if you were there for the "Easter Sunday Massacre" where not only did the Spurs lose the fight but they lost the game too.

And, if you were at any three of the events name the arena where each game took place and name the team the Spurs played in the "Easter Sunday Massacre".Katie2, how did you do?

Fairly well. The "Iceman" might have scored 50 points that night, but the best shot of the evening, and maybe the best shot I will ever see in any basketball game, NBA or otherwise, was taken that night to send the game into an extra overtime. So, without that mention of the best shot ever, certainly one of the best shots ever, your answer does not really discuss the most improbable shot in NBA history. In the old ABA (1967-1976) and the modern era of the NBA starting three years later with the NBA adopting the three point shot, during the entire ABA era and for many, many years of the NBA era after the 3 point shot was adopted from the old ABA, the 3 point shot was rarely used as it was primarily used either only because the shot clock was winding down or the end of the clock at each quarter resulted in a long shot, like from half court, or more importantly at only the very end of the game when down by about 3 points or more. The 3 point shot was rare.Katie2, your answer on "The Easter Sunday Massacre" was acceptable, but not perfect, as it left out a few minor details such as it was an afternoon game, that it was a game on Easter Sunday, duh, just joking, I could be wrong but it was named "The Easter Sunday Massacre" by the then voice of the Spurs Terry Stembridge (the best radio announcer in Spurs history), that Dr. J was a real wuss and hit Spurs player Larry Kenon from behind on his jaw breaking one of Kenon's teeth with Kenon having been a teammate for a few years at the Nets kind of like Dr. J hit somebody from behind in the NBA Finals when the 76ers played Portland several years later. You did not mention the name of the Spurs player who always started all of the Spurs fights as he is still a head coach. The Spurs were prevented from winning that playoff series just as Kentucky was prevented from defeating Denver as the ABA had to have the Nets play the Denver Rockets in the '76 ABA Finals to make it Dr. J v David Thompson.Katie2, you glossed over the original question on the double header as super anti Spurs and pro Lakers NBA referee Jack Madden made the dumbest ruling in a November, 1982 game in Spurs-Lakers which involved Lakers' Norm Nixon faking shooting a free throw which resulted in the Lakers being awarded an extra free throw for no reason getting an extra free throw awarded to Norm Nixon for faking a free throw. The NBA ref awarded the ball back to the Lakers after Nixon's final free throw, like a technical foul on the Spurs without a technical called against the Spurs for no reason for a tech foul giving the Lakers the advantage to tie the original November, 1982 game up as Magic sunk a 3 pointer at the buzzer with the Lakers to send the game into OT where the Lakers won in 1982 in San Antonio in OT. The Spurs appealled to NBA Commissioner Larry O'Brien who ruled in favor of the Spurs for the NBA ref's error which resulted in a double header the next time the Lakers played in San Antonio.That November, 1982 call by NBA referee Jack Madden which gave the Lakers every advantage, an extra free throw and the Lakers getting the ball back rather than the Spurs getting the ball back, gave the Lakers every advantage which resulted in the Spurs obvious successful appeal resulted in two games being played back to back on April 14, 1983 in San Antonio against the Lakers which also made the first game last something like 5 months which definitely has to be the longest lasting NBA basketball game, and, possibly the longest basketball game ever on record. I have never heard of a NBA, or any major sports appeal won after the game.Katie2 and correct me if I am wrong as the #1 combined total points in a NBA game was also in overtime, I believe a triple overtime game, just as was the Spurs-Milwaukee game which was the #2 combined total points in a NBA game. The late 1970s and early 1980s was a very high scoring era for the NBA because of the "run and gun" philosophy and as you point out with very little emphasis in the NBA in that era on the three point shot as you point out with statistics from the second highest scoring game ever in NBA history where only a total combined between both teams took only 7 three point attempt while only making 4 three point shots.Katie2 and correct me if I am wrong as the #1 combined total points in a NBA game was also in overtime, I believe a triple overtime game, just as was the Spurs-Milwaukee game which was the #2 combined total points in a NBA game. The late 1970s and early 1980s was a very high scoring era for the NBA because of the "run and gun" philosophy and as you point out with very little emphasis in the NBA in that era on the three point shot as you point out with statistics from the second highest scoring game ever in NBA history where only a total combined between both teams took only 7 three point attempt while only making 4 three point shots.wingo, don't know about double headers involving four teams in the early BAA, NBL, or very early NBA days from the 1940s or very early 1950s as I was specifically talking about the more modern era where the George Gervin led Spurs defeated the Magic, Kareem, James Worthy, and Bob McAdoo (all in the NBA Hall of Fame) and Showtime Michael Cooper Showtime Lakers prime with the Spurs receiving official credit for two victories over the Lakers on April 13, 1983 during the two games played that evening in San Antonio. I guess the 13th was a bad day for the Lakers that month and year chalking up two losses to the Spurs in the same evening, but this doubleheader is never mentioned in the record books; although, I attended the Spurs Hemisfair Arena that evening.

Lakers Showtime vs Spurs doubleheader trivia(any 4/14/1983 newspaper will have 2 box scores, 2 Lakers losses)?

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