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So you think you can dance results

so you think you can dance results

Reality Check: 'So You Think You Can Dance' results: Two are out ...
'So You Think You Can Dance' results: Two are out. It's results time on So You Think You Can Dance, and we'll see, among other things, whether Annapolis dancer Caitlin Kinney and Oxon Hill dancer Karla Lopez make it to the next round. ...

So You Think You Can Dance Season 5 - Top 20 Results - VIDEO
So You Think You Can Dance Season 5 - Top 20 Results - VIDEO. Published June 11th, 2009 in So You Think You Can Dance. Tags: . *Watch this Space for Updates*. One guy and one girl goes home tonight. The Top 20 dance a Shane Sparks ...

So You Think You Can Dance Season 5: Top 20 Results Recap ...
Reality TV , Game Show, Talk Show, Social Networking Casting Community!

So You Think You Can Dance Eliminates Two | Reality TV Magazine
So You Think You Can Dance results show began in its usual style as Cat Deeley introduced the show from her perch high above the action and she got us ready to see the group dance. As the Top 20, soon to be the Top 18, danced, ...

So You Think You Can Dance: 2 of 20 Voted Off - TV Squad
Cat Deeley, host of So You Think You Can Dance (S05E06) The show opened, as usual, with the group number. And because The Black Eyed Peas' "Boom Boom Pow" isn't getting enough airplay, So You Think You Can Dance threw the band a bone ...

First cuts on 'So You Think You Can Dance' - It Happened Last ...
Dear "So You Think You Can Dance" Producers: Please add another week to the show so no one has to be cut during the first week as it makes me sad. The first group number of the season is to "Boom Boom Pow" by Black Eyed Peas. ...

So You Think You Can Dance 5 — Top 20 — Results — Video : American ...
Live Blogging the So You Think You Can Dance Top 20 Results Show for June 11, 2009 Who's leaving tonight? Live viewing party at Rickey TV RESULTS AS...

Fan Fare » Blog Archive » “So You Think You Can Dance” roars into ...
The hot tamale train has rolled back into town as the search for America's favorite dancer begins anew on the fifth season of the hugely popular “So You Think You Can Dance.” Thursday's elimination show was a visual feast for dance ...

'So You Think You Can Dance' Eliminates 2 From Top 20
One guy and one girl from the Top 20 were sent home on "So You Think You Can Dance" on Thursday, June 11. It was just a coincidence that the eliminated ones happened to be a couple who joined forces on Wednesday's performance night, ...

In Generation IV Pokemon games, are there still move combos for the Pokemon Contests?
There are articles on the Inquirer, under Technology, about lawsuits and explanations how the computer crashes result in non-payment of loans, pensions, etc. to active/ retired government workers. Because of computer "crash", applications cannot be processed. Therefore, no cash out for this multi-billion institution. IBM, Questronix, and GSIS are doing the legal dance. And still, applicants are waiting for their money. So, are the crashes really not intentional?

And to pre-empt my favorite band, The Pest Control, from singing its favorite "This question is misplaced" song, this is in the Travel Section because without money from GSIS, the retirees could not go on travel tours, can they?

Do you believe GSIS computer crashes are not intentional?
I'm 40 years old and on a 457 visa, but waiting for DeFacto application to be approved until after my 1st baby born due to having to wait on chest x-ray requirements. The father is Australian and British citizen and from I am from North America. Relationship not going well after a second go. I let him charm me back into a relationship and now the reality has set in and I am afraid of my mental and physical well being (due to extreme stress and anxiety that lead to depression with medication the first time we were together and consequently is now, funny enough, back AGAIN!) I NOW refuse to live together as a couple due to my partners mental abuse to me (a pattern in all of his relationships) One afternoon, his friends shook their finger at me and said" I heard you were dancing with the devil again" and warned me to stay away from my partner as he strings along women and mentally breaks them down, verbally abuses and screws up all the women he dates They all leave the relationship in a devastated state. His best friends (our friends) respect me as I have known them (some longer than my partner) and told me to remember it was NOT ME, but HIM that was f***** up and to walk away while I still could. After this conversation, I left on holiday for 10 days and came back to my original senses (like the first time) and was going to break it off, but found out after my holiday and the day I was going to break everything off with my partner that I was pregnant!

I am really confused. I really want this baby, but do not want him to be a part of the process anymore. In his abusive anger, he had several times discussed our pregnancy as his regret and a mistake and we should consider the "other" option. The thing I forgot to mention above was that getting pregnant was his WHOLE idea from the beginning!!!!! He did not stop thinking about it for months and tricked me into it one night. I know now it was his way of trying to make us a complete couple again. He lives in a fantasy movie. Now he is Blackmailing me into saying that if we can not live as a couple in bringing up a child together like a married couple, then he thinks we need to and I need to leave Australia. Also, now he says that I tricked him into going defacto!!!!!!! EVERYTHING WAS HIS IDEA!!! I need help and my head is spinning with hormones and my second depressive episode EVER!!! (Both depressive episodes due to the same guy at the same timing in the relationship-certainly a pattern here!)

What I want?-I want this baby, but do not really want his involvement. He will cause the same mental abuse to our child. He is toxic to all relationships and he hates is own father! (as he is repeating the same patterns of his father)

Do I leave Australia and have the baby in my own country and try to legally keep the father out of our lives and save me and my baby's lifetime of abuse, legal fees, time, money, unhappiness and custody struggles?

I am 40 years old with no children and my partner is 47 with 3 careless previous abortions/miscarriages. Biologically, time is not running in my favor, but only took me one month to get pregnant the first time. I am strong mentally and physically woman that looks younger than I am. I run marathons, have a successful IT career, have an awesome support of family and friends back in the UK and am one of those people that can easily do anything I put my mind to. I have not doubt that I can do this on my own and KNOW that my child would be better off without his cheating, deceitful biological father involved. But I am quickly finding out that the father's blackmails have turned into legal discussions behind my back. He is threatening to serve me with legal papers and to call my mother if I do not agree to make a final decision with him by the end for the week and spill the news before I have a chance to discuss with my family. My family is EXTREMELY religious and need to hear this from me face to face when I am home next month and I need to handle this situation very carefully. My parents do not need to hear this from someone they have never met ever before and especially over the phone.!!!!
I am looking for an agressive family custody law specialist here in Australia or in the United States if anyone has any recommendations. Mine and my babies life-long health depends on it. If I have to abort, then it would be better on both me and my child than to have to live with the results of his mental abuse and emotional blockage that the father is not willing to acknowledge or begin to explore and for us to have to only pass down to another generation! The buck stops here one way or another!!!

Any and all advice, positive or negative is welcome!

Thank you very much for your assistance and advice in advance!!!!!

Yank living in Australia. 8-1/2 weeks preg with Oz citizen father. I'm on 457. Can I become AU citizen?
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Do I have a good case for having this answer reinstated ?
Or the opposite?

ItВґs better to combine it with ballet and Pilates?

What will the result be if a gymnast practice belly dancing, will the movements be hard and not soft?
Old Story:

The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs dances plays the summer away.
Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.

New Version:

The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant’s a fool and laughs dances plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
NDTV, BBC, CNN show up to provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
The World is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor Grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Arundhati Roy stages a demonstration in front of the Ant’s house.
Medha Patkar goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter.
Mayawati states this as “injustice” done on Minorities.
Amnesty International and Koffi Annan criticize the Indian Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.
The Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance).
Opposition MPs stage a walkout. Left parties call for вЂ˜Bengal Bandh’ in West Bengal and Kerala demanding a Judicial Enquiry.
CPM in Kerala immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants and Grasshoppers.
Lalu Prasad allocates one free coach to Grasshoppers on all Indian Railway Trains, aptly named as the вЂ˜Gharib Grasshopper Rath’.
Finally, the Judicial Committee drafts the “Prevention of Atrocities Against Grasshoppers Act” [PAAGA], with effect from the beginning of the winter.
Arjun Singh makes вЂ˜Special Reservation’ for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions in Government Services.
The Ant is fined for failing to comply with PAAGA and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, it’s home is confiscated by the Government and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by NDTV.
Arundhati Roy calls it вЂ˜A Triumph of Justice’.
Lalu calls it вЂ˜Socialistic Justice’.
CPM calls it the ”Revolutionary Resurgence of the Downtrodden’
Koffi Annan invites the Grasshopper to address the UN General Assembly.
Many years later...
The Ant has since migrated to the US and set up a multi-billion dollar company in Silicon Valley,
100s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in India,


As a result of losing lot of hard working Ants and feeding the grasshoppers, India is still a developing country...!! ! :) :) :)

The Ant and the Grasshopper [Old story - New version]?
Okay so yesterday I was listening to the radio at a party and this songplayed that I really liked but no one with me knew what it was. It was on a radio station that plays like top/current hit songs that are like basically songs that are popular now, and the song I can't remember any lyrics but "Na na na na, na na na na," and thats the only part I remembered. I looked it up but all the results don't match. I know it definitely isn't the Bananarama one, the Akon one, or the Kaiser Chiefs one. It was a girl singing, and it was a fast, dance pop type of song. Thanks!

Name of this song?? PLEASE! :D?
How To Date a Virgo Male

If you are dating a Virgo male, go slowly. They hate to make mistakes. He will take you out to nice clean respectable establishments, and go to the movies with you. He does not go out dancing or rabble rousing with the guys. He is a solitary person, whose social group is small. Virgo males are inclined to computers, and the geeky stuff. However, he could balance your checkbook for you.
Do not dress like a slut. Be chic! Have no children from previous marriages. Don't be too talkative. He shies away from party animals. He wants to date someone with a purpose in life. Be interesting, and invite him to your workplace. He can visualize his name hyphenated after yours on the nameplate on your desk. Virgo men can be workaholics, that way they can avoid "nooners". Virgo males are not usually sexually promiscuous. Sex won't happen until you push for it, but be sure to have your STD test results handy. He will marry you in time--lots of time, so be patient. Your Virgo male won't divorce you. Once in love, it's for keeps.

is this true????

it is true that to win a virgo man's heart is being patient?
Top 20 Best:
20. FLAVOR OF LOVE (VH1, 2006-08)
19. JON & KATE PLUS EIGHT (TLC, 2007-present)
18. THE APPRENTICE (NBC, 2004-present)
17. DEADLIEST CATCH (Discovery, 2005-present)
16. BLIND DATE (Syndicated, 1999-2006)
15. BIG BROTHER (CBS, 2000-present)
14. THE HILLS (MTV, 2006-present)
13. THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF... (Bravo, 2006-present)
12. BANDS ON THE RUN (VH1, 2001)
11. THE BACHELOR (ABC, 2002-present)
10. AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL (UPN, 2003-06; The CW, 2006–present)
9. PROJECT GREENLIGHT (HBO, 2001-03; Bravo, 2005)
8. TOP CHEF (Bravo, 2006-present)
7. JACKASS (MTV, 2000-02)
6. AMERICAN IDOL (Fox, 2002-present)
5. THE REAL WORLD (MTV, 1992-present)
4. PROJECT RUNWAY (Bravo, 2004-2008; Lifetime, 2009–present)
3. THE OSBOURNES (MTV, 2002-05)
2. THE AMAZING RACE (CBS, 2001-present)
1. SURVIVOR (CBS, 2000-present)

Top 10 Worst:
9. BOY MEETS BOY (Bravo, 2003)
8. KILL REALITY (E!, 2005)
7. CHEATERS (Syndicated, 2000-present)
6. DANCING WITH THE STARS and AMERICAN IDOL results shows (DWTS: ABC, 2005-present; AI: Fox, 2002-present)
5. THE ANNA NICOLE SHOW (E!, 2002-03)
1. THE SWAN (Fox, 2004)

What Do You Think Of Entertainment Weekly's Best/Worst Reality Shows?
I know there isn't a magic formula for getting into a top tier school but pretend your the admissions officer. Any help would be appreciated.

Academic standing-
Gpa is a 3.9
Weighed Gpa is a 4.0
I have straight A's throughout high school. However I received 1 b+, which brought my GPA down.

I don't have my results from my ACT yet but it will be in the range from 25 to 30. I don't think I will get anywhere higher than 30 or lower than 25.

I am in National Honors Society. I am the president of my class. I have over 300 hours of volunteer service in my community. I am a varsity attorney for mock trial. I am on the varsity dance team at my high school. I believe I'm going to get captain for my senior year.

These are my "hooks" or things that make me stand out.
I am involved in national and statewide youth boards. I have spoken at national youth conferences and hosted workshops at conferences in my state. I do a lot of advocating for youth voice and empowerment.
I am the South West Youth Representative for the MN Youth Council.

I have some EXTREME special circumstances:

My mother came from East Africa with my father. My dad left my family when I was young and so my mother worked overtime at a meat packing plant to compensate for 5 children as a single mother. My mom had a horrible accident at the plant she was working at and now suffers from chronic back problems. She can no longer work and my family has relied heavily on government aid.

My mother is a hardworking person and enjoys being self-reliant so being stopped from working has led her to have severe depression. I pretty much raised myself and took care of my family from a young age.

My family is way below the poverty line and my siblings and I took the initiative to work as early as we could to help pay bills.

I know my story is disheartening but that's what you call the "American Dream" right. HA, anyways I hope this can get me an Ivy League education.

I am not the typical applicant, I had to mature from an early age and I hope I can reflect all of my achievements through my personal statement.

I know this is long, thanks for taking the time to read- I will award best answer.
Additional details
k thanks for the responses- I was recently invited to a private conference at Stanford university with an all expense paid trip. The dean, and admissions officers told me I should emphasize my special circumstances; especially because small portions of Ivy League applicants are low income.

I also forgot to mention I recently won a national essay contest and had the opportunity to attend the National Republican Convention and meet influential members in the Republican Party.

Addressing the AP comment- my school allows a limited amount of ap classes per year. Also they do not allow you to take Ap in freshman year therefore minor difference in my gpa.

k tell me if that helps any and thanks for the honest opinions.

Chances of getting into an Ivy league school (with Additional details from the first question like it)?
Alright so I am currently in a dilemma. Just recently, probably not more than a week or two ago, I went to the mall to buy my graduation dress. The results weren't so golden though, seeing as how my mom and I had 15 minutes left in the mall before closing time and we didn't even get a chance to actually LOOK at a dress suitable for me. Instead, she grabbed the first dress she saw and bought it. The next day, she threw out the receipt (why she did so, I do not know). However, I absolutely DESPISE the dress and it isn't even the right size! Now I'm on the verge of breaking down in tears because I don't want to miss my graduation dance but I have to if I don't have a dress. The dress is hideous though and I don't want to attend a dance in something I loathe. Call it teenage stubborness but I wanted to look and feel awesome in a dress, not disgusting and fake.

Now I'm wondering if I'm able to return the dress without a receipt? I got it at Sears and the tags are still attached and the dress is in perfect condition (seeing as how I tried it on only once). My friend's mom offered to bring me to the mall to refund the dress and to help buy one that I would like. However, no refund? I'm not clear on Sears' return policy and I really want to return the dress. If someone could please tell me if I'm able to return it without a receipt, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

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