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Finding Chuck Norris

finding chuck norris

Google thinks I'm obviously looking for Chuck Norris |
I'm not sure if these are listed in order of importance, but if so then the first four are really just about the same thing aren't they? Find Chuck Norris. We'll find you yet Chuck Norris. Tagged as: find chuck norris ...

Something just for fun – Chuck Norris « 30 Second Rule
In the search box, type this text 'find chuck norris'. Important! Don't hit the enter key. Now, with your mouse, hit the “I'm Feeling Lucky” button located under the search box. ...

Composting Bad Guys with Chuck Norris: | My Backyark
As a butt kicker of all things that stand in his way, Chuck Norris needs a bit of rest and relaxation time every now and then. How does he relax, you ask? He posts - bad guys? No, he posts for his garden. Though it's not un mon to find ...

Find Chuck Norris -
go to and type in "Find Chuck Norris" and hit I feel Lucky button.

Jesus' General: Tancredo PAC's Exec. Director Goin' All Chuck ...
Director Goin' All Chuck Norris on the Brown. Marcus Epstein Executive Director Team America PAC Dear Mr. Epstein, I want to thank you for all the good work you've been doing at Team America PAC to oppose the Sotomayor nomination. ... I understand it is their blog and they can do what they want, but I would find it more easily swallowed if it was just deleted without the accompanying misrepresentation. If main stream media did that you could probably sue them not that I ...

Chuck Norris Facts : WoWInterface Downloads : Mini Games/ROFL
Examples /chuck - Will print out a Chuck Norris fact for you to see. /chuck say - Will print out a Chuck Norris fact in say. /chuck guild - Will print out a Chuck Norris fact in guild. Commands Display Chuck Norris facts: /chuck /cnf. Known Issues .... *Clicking the donate button above will take you to Click here to lend your support! *Clicking the donate button above will take you to Find out more! [Disable these notices] ...

Make Gold, Leveling and PVP - World of warcraft guide for Horde ...
great song. too bad you cant find it on itunes. ungooy Says: June 11th, 2009 at 10:24 pm. what the u and … what the u and ur friend are really retareded then hace u hearf chiefs voice its a guy's u probably never even played any halo NOOB ... nah hes chuck norris or that rick roll dude :Plol forgot his name XD. XxElegantAngelxX Says: June 11th, 2009 at 10:24 pm. I like how you made … I like how you made the video. Especially the ending. Towelie2164 Says: ...

Google can not find Chuck Norris - All4yourfun
1. If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you. 2. There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's.

“The Secret Life of Bees” Book Review Pt. 2 | Oprah Books
in the beginning of the film we find out Lily shot her mom(probably becuz whoever has read the book knew all along it was Lily. she does get smacked by T-ray when she refuses 2 go home. instead of finding out wat happend 2 her mom, Lily wants 2 find out ... haha it does sound like he ses chuck norris, lol andyway thank u! i didnt wna read this ed up book. :D thanks for the review and i hope its acually true wut ever the u sed, my parents made me read it blaa ur funnnnny ...

Where can I buy a custom texas ranger badge?
Its about puberty.

........If you know me then you must have already realized that I am very hairy. Well I wasn’t always this abnormally covered with hair. It all started around the age of nine. It started attacking me as if I were Chuck Norris. The cause? Puberty! If you haven’t already experienced puberty take my advice… it is not nice. I had gotten taller, my voice had gotten deeper; my car developed “headlights” (if you know what I mean). All the signs of turning into a woman and I had many questions.

......The reason I picked puberty was so I could inform my classmates answers to questions that would otherwise be too awkward to ask. I have noticed that puberty abides by the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy. This is because some people assume that the topic is uncomfortable and it’s just better not to talk about. I on the other hand think kids should be well informed otherwise they will be scared and unaware of what’s happening. Believe it or not teenagers have a strong desire to learn about their body and puberty. Many of them find out their information from “the streets” where the facts aren’t all correct. So I think that it’s time to set the record straight and learn about puberty (Even if it’s awkward and embarrassing).Ill mark Kay as Best Answer as Soon as Yahoo will let me :). Thanx you helped a bunch.

Proof Read The beginning of my Science Report?
full question: what do you do when your mother is screaming, yelling, on the verge of a mental breakdown, and just being an all around bitch,all because your DAD forgot to get a mothers day card??? i mean, jezus! please, PLEASE, help! my moms family has a history of being manic depressive, sure thats all fine and dandy! she even goes to counseling!! I'm just a simple-minded fangirl, i cant take much more! oh, and, this is NOT a joke! this has been a silent plea for help, i thank anyone who has listened. having said that, i think its safe to assume that im gonna have a helluva time avoiding the screaming banshee downstairs D: may Chuck Norris have mercy on my poor soul....
sadly i cannot disclose any more information, because screaming banshee-san will have my head if she finds out who i am....well, wish me luck. i think she has already chewed her way through my dad...oh, one more thing...I. Am. Not. Calm. like hell!! I'm near a panic attack. well, i guess this is goodbye...*sigh* maybe i can have an answer to my question before i die? and I'm not morbid.EDIT: eh, wow. i didnt expect this many answers!
oh, btw, Abiyah TORAH FTW...first of all, im not a guy *sweat drop* oh, and she's been exploding like this ever since before i was that doenst really work.

to sean: ..lucky...i got at least umm *counts* 5 years left, atleast.

to Mavpa M: i would if i could man, i would if i could...

:] thanks for the answers guys.....shes still it -_-||

what do you do when your mother is yelling and screaming her lungs out over the most petty things?
Welcome to the Speed Image Scavenger Hunt! Here's the rules:

You will be given a certain number of images to find anywhere on the internet. The first to find ALL of them FIRST, wins 10 points. When you find the image, respond in the following format:

Image: [Link]
Image: [Link]
Image: [Link]
Image: [Link]
Image: [Link]

If one of your images does not match the parameters correctly (And I'll be the judge of that :P ), then you will be disqualified. You ready? Here are your items to find.

1) A black man with a pink hat on
2) A donkey on a road
3) A furry animal wearing a monocle and top hat
4) A banana and a REAL NATION'S flag in the same picture
5) Chuck Norris holding 2 or more guns
6) A Pineapple in the snow
7) A small person attacking a bigger person with a sword
8) Someone poking at road kill with a stick
9) An animal crossing sign with 2 or more of that animal next to it.
10) A polar bear sun tanning

These images can be photos, clip-art, and cartoons. Inappropriate images will NOT be tolerated. If you for any reason have a hard time finding any of these images, do as many as you can, and if no one does any better, you can still win. Happy Hunting! :DSo you know, nobody has won yet (sorry). Many of the pictures do NOT meet the parameters.

Speed Image Scavenger Hunt?
Have you ever searched "Find Chuck Norris" on Google? If not, try it now! Hahaha I love it :)

"FIND CHUCK NORRIS".....................................................?
so my boyfriends bday is coming up he loves chuck norris jokes and jammies, so i want to make him chuck jammies but cant find chuck norris fabric anywhere any ideas?lmfao you boys are funnnny

can you help me find chuck norris fabric?
Pi. The Boogey man checks under his bed for Chuck Norris. Apple pays Chuck Norris $.99. When Chuck Norris calls a 1-900 number he gets money. There used to be life on mars... then they met Chuck Norris. If you type in Chuck norris on google a page appears and says sorry you don't find Chuck Norris Chuck Norris finds you. I know why lightning doesn't strike in the same place twice- because Cuck Norris is looking for it. Chuck Norris counted to infiniti, twice. There is no control button on Chuck's computer, Chuck is always in control. Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you. Chuck norris can sneeze with his eyes open. Cuck can eat just on Lay's potato Chip. If you have 5$ and Chuck has 5$ Chuck has more money than you. I know why the universe is always expanding, because Chuck Norris Roundhoused kicked it 2000 years ago. The big bang was caused by Chuck norris, ask him it's true, he simply shrugs it off as a little bad gas. The devil and Chuck made a deal, Chuck got a gun and the devil got his soul, soon realizing the bad trade Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked him in the face and took his soul back, being a good sport the devil says he saw it coming, they now play poker on the second wednsday of every month. It only takes Chuck 20 minutes to watch 60 minutes. Chuck Norris won the World Series of Poker with nothing more than a green uno card, a joker, and Pikachu. When Chuck Norris does a push up he pushes the earth down. Some people wear superman pajamas Superman wears Chuck Norris Pajamas. Chuck Norris was about to be on Mount Ryshmore but the granite was to soft for his beard. Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer to bad Chuck Norris never cries. Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants. Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs. Curiosity killed the cat Chuck Norris killed curiosity. Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
Chuck Norris does not get frostbite Chuck Norris bites frost .
Got any more?

Chuck Norris knows the last digit of...?
Okay so I am running for student body president and I really need some good, FUNNY ideas for posters and speeches. I've looked all over google but All i find is the same boring stuff... I was thinking something along the lines of chuck norris maybe, could you please let me know the best thing I could do??

Student council campaign...please help!!?
Instead of having a cigarette after sex, Chuck Norris heads outside and brands his cattle.

LMAO!!! OH God I have got to stop finding these stupid things funny.

FQ- Is anyone knows any good La Liga Fantasy League it'd be great if you give the link, I don't think I'll be using the Yahoo one. For now ESPN one is the one of my choice unless we find a better one :D

Thank youIf* Not is sorry@Marco- That's where my Obsession started =| Grrr... And then I bought a belt there :D

FIFA World Cuppers, Important WC Message?
Pi. The Boogey man checks under his bed for Chuck Norris. Apple pays Chuck Norris $.99. When Chuck Norris calls a 1-900 number he gets money. There used to be life on mars... then they met Chuck Norris. If you type in Chuck norris on google a page appears and says sorry you don't find Chuck Norris Chuck Norris finds you. I know why lightning doesn't strike in the same place twice- because Cuck Norris is looking for it. Chuck Norris counted to infiniti, twice. There is no control button on Chuck's computer, Chuck is always in control. Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you. Chuck norris can sneeze with his eyes open. Cuck can eat just on Lay's potato Chip. If you have 5$ and Chuck has 5$ Chuck has more money than you. I know why the universe is always expanding, because Chuck Norris Roundhoused kicked it 2000 years ago. The big bang was caused by Chuck norris, ask him it's true, he simply shrugs it off as a little bad gas. The devil and Chuck made a deal, Chuck got a gun and the devil got his soul, soon realizing the bad trade Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked him in the face and took his soul back, being a good sport the devil says he saw it coming, they now play poker on the second wednsday of every month. It only takes Chuck 20 minutes to watch 60 minutes. Chuck Norris won the World Series of Poker with nothing more than a green uno card, a joker, and Pikachu.Some people wear superman pajamas Superman wears Cuck Norris pajamas.

Have any more?

Chuck Norris knows the last number of..?
When some people hear the word “hero” they may think of people like Spiderman, Batman, Superman, or even Chuck Norris. They think that superpowers, beating up evil villains, and wearing a cool cape is what makes a hero. But a hero is someone who does what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences. Jesus Christ, Joan of Arc, and Cassie Bernall are all heroes because of their integrity.
Jesus Christ was a teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem. He left his Kingdom in Heaven to be incarnated into human. His whole goal, while He was on this earth, was “to restore corrupt nature” (How) of mankind and to die for our sins so we could have eternal life. During His short time here, Jesus did many great things in the name of the Lord. Jesus was God, just in a human form, therefore He could have had all the power in the world and made everyone obey Him, but He chose a different approach. He served people his whole life. That is how he witnessed to them. He would help or heal sick people in the name of God and then tell the people about God’s power. Jesus tried to show people that he went through the same kind of temptation, struggles, and strifes that they go through.
After Jesus was baptized Satan tempted Jesus 3 times. Jesus had been fasting for 40 days and 40 nights and he was very hungry. Satan came to him and said, “If you are the son of God, command these stones to become bread” (Matthew 4:2-3). Even though Jesus hadn’t eaten in 40 days he kept his integrity in tact by telling Satan that, “Man cannot live on bread alone but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). In other words, Jesus was telling Satan he didn’t need just bread for the body to survive. He also needed bread for the soul. The second temptation was when Jesus was on top of a temple. Satan told him to jump off the temple because the scriptures said that if he was really the son of God, angels would catch him before he hit the ground. Satan isolated this scripture verse making it seem like it was okay for Jesus to jump. But Jesus knew the Word and counteracted Satan’s attack with Matthew 4:7: “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.” For the last temptation, Satan took Jesus up to the highest point on Earth and told Him if he would bow down to him, Satan would give him all the kingdoms of the world. But Jesus had integrity. He was working for God and no one was going to change that. He told Satan the first commandment: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” Throughout all these temptations Jesus kept his integrity. His will was strong because He was on a mission to save the human race. Although, they weren’t very nice to him. On many occasion, his enemies tried stoning him to death or tossing him from a mountain top (How) because they hated him so much.
Many people hated Jesus because of his righteousness and goodness. They would try whenever they could to find fault in him. They would twist his words and try to use them against him. One example is when Jesus healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath Day. A group of Pharisees asked him if it was lawful to work on the Sabbath. He responded to them by asking them if one of their oxen fell on the Sabbath day would they just leave it or help it up. The Pharisees tried to stop him from healing people on the Sabbath, but Jesus knew it was God’s will for him to heal people, so he kept on performing healing miracles, despite what the Pharisees said. His integrity is one of the reasons why the Jews decided to crucify Jesus.
The Jewish religious leaders knew that Jesus was a popular man because of all the miracle he preformed. Many people were calling him the messiah because of that. The Jewish religious leaders knew that could put their authority in danger, so they made up some false accusations. They said that Jesus had claimed he was the king, which during those times, if you said that if was considered rebellion against the empire and the penalty was typically crucifixion. So they interrogated him and took him to Pilate to ask if they could crucify him. Throughout all this Jesus didn’t resist them or lie to them. He kept his integrity and told them the truth and cooperated with them. Finally, he was sentenced to be crucified. The Roman soldiers that crucified him mocked him mercilessly the whole time. They put him in a purple robe and pressed a crown of thorns into his head and called him the “King of the Jews.” They also stabbed a sword in his side and poured vinegar on it, they spit on him, they gambled off his clothes, and many other horrendous things. Yet, he took all of it and didn’t have any anger or self pity. He could have gotten himself off that cross in record time if he wanted to. He could have killed all those people that caused him so much pain, but he didn’t. He knew this was all part of a divine plan, and in order to fulfill this plan, he would have to go through with the crucifixion. Not one time did He turn HiThe main idea is that all these people have the character trait*integrity*. So maybe the title should include the word integrity.

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